Brittany's reflections
Overall I love Facebook. I love being able to see pictures of a friends recent trip, or seeing that a friend I knew in high school or college got a new job, or got married. I love the friendly debates and status updates that make me laugh. However, there are some aspects about Facebook I don't like. Below are some personal pet peeves about the social networking site itself and how people use it.

Status updates
I'm sorry, but no one wants to know that your child eating better now that he/she got off of breast milk. Maybe when I have a child I will care but for now, spare me the details. I also don't care to know what you ate today, or that you have a 20-page paper due tomorrow. If you have a big assignment like that due, then why are you on Facebook? I also find it strange when people put how much they love their significant other in their status. I like to just tell the person myself.

Political rants
Since when did Facebook become the place to get in heated debates about the president or political issues? Yes, I am aware about the first amendment, but can't we simply agree to disagree? Everyone has their own opinion and it is not going to get changed.

Stupid profile pictures
Good for you for chugging that beer or for doing a shot. Is this really what you want people to see when they look at you? Also, nice body, but please put more clothes on.

Constant profile picture changes
Make up your mind already.
Farmville, Mafia, etc.
To each their own, but don't expect me to join or to help your farm. Also, no offense, but I'm hiding Farmville, Mafia and any other mini-feed clogging game from my news feed.

Bad spelling and grammar in status updates and profiles
There is a difference between your and you're, as well as their, there and they're.

With that being said, I wish there was a way to edit status updates and wall posts once you share them. I've noticed types in mine and it would be nice not to have to type the entire post over again.

Please don't be offended by any of this. This is my personal opinion and I'm sure everyone has their own views and their own Facebook pet peeves.
9/8/2010 04:13:10 am

Love this! Esp the political status updates, super annoying. This was pretty spot-on....though I am sure I am guilty of some of them...(sorry, world)

9/12/2010 10:09:49 am

Hysterical. I have many of the same pet peeves! Especially the updates by new parents (breast milk, sleeping through the night, etc.) I've ended up hiding a lot of these friend's feeds!

Yet, like Kristi, I also am guilty of some of these. :)


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