Brittany's reflections
I have some random thoughts. Yeah, I know. Me, random. No way. So in the words of a previous coworker, here’s an edition of “Cleaning out my mind.”

The Academy Awards were on last night, which got me thinking about why we seem to worship celebrities. Why do we ask for their autographs and scream and stammer in their presence? They are just people, just like you and I. For some reason we’re interested in their lives. People like stories about other people. It’s weird, but I’ll admit, I’m one of them. I’m not a diehard fan of celebrity gossip, but I do occasionally like to catch up on the Jennifer/Angelina/Brad triangle, or the reasons why Jessica Simpson gained weight. I do, however, get sick of hearing about Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. Why are they famous again?

I’ve been recently asked a few times if I’ll return to newspapers after I graduate. The short answer: No. The long answer: The past two years in grad school has taught me a lot about myself and what I’m interested in. I’ve realized there’s a lot more opportunities out there where I can still write that doesn’t have the daily deadline crunch, or the city hall and school board meetings. There’s a lot more out there that I can write about that I think people may actually care more about. Only about 3/4 of me liked working at a newspaper anyway. I’m not saying I regret the two years I spent working for newspapers. In fact, I’m grateful for it. It taught me a lot and gave me wonderful experience. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t worked for newspapers.

I’ve previously written in this blog about news. Well, I’m bringing it up again. Maybe it’s just me because I’m getting older, or maybe it’s actually happening, but whatever the reason, it seems like news isn’t just news anymore. Ever since cable, when CNN, MSNBC and FoxNews came into the fore, it seems like news has become a compilation of opinion. My parents can remember the days when news was just that -- news. Can we have that back please?

I am currently in the process of writing a lengthy magazine article as part of my professional project to graduate. It is so much harder than I thought it would be! I never realized how different magazine and newspaper writing are. I also didn’t foresee that after writing academic research papers for nearly two years, that writing creatively would be so difficult. I’m so glad I decided to take on the task though. It’s a fun and challenging way for me to gain more experience before I head into the working world again.

The Midwest winter has definitely hit me hard this year. I have the winter blahs. Spring cannot come soon enough.

If you think about it, communication is cool. At least it's cool to me.

Think about it. Every day we communicate. Every day we sit down to watch TV, listen to the radio, chat with a friend on Facebook, tweet about snow storms, text our significant others about what to have for dinner, write a status on Facebook, nod our heads in agreement, Skype with a brother in Afghanistan, write in a blog, etc. These are all forms of communication.

If you're as lucky as I am (at least I think I'm lucky), you get to actually study communication in school. I am currently about 2 1/2 months away from earning a Master's degree in communication. Ask me then, when I still don't have a job, if I still love communication as much as I do now.

In my final digital storytelling class this semester, we are working with the Boys & Girls Club of Milwaukee to create digital stories of high schoolers who have excelled as a part of the organization. Through communication, me and my six class mates are preparing these digital stories (probably videos) so the community can see how the Boys & Girls Club has contributed to their lives. We are then communicating these videos to the public, who are then (hopefully) communicating to their friends, family, Facebook, Twitter, and so on. It's communication! The concept fascinates me. Obviously.

Communication is what's telling us about protesters as far away as Egypt, and in our neighboring city of Madison. Communication is what took place when I saw Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker on Good Morning America this morning. Communication is what happened when almost the entire city of Milwaukee (Marquette AND MCW too!) shut down because of a snow storm. Communication occurs when I learn about that all my friends are either engaged or pregnant on Facebook. (When did I become that age?)

Communication is what happens when I get "the look" from my fiance. Even when we drive, when people use their turning signals, that's communication. Although, it seems like lately people are choosing not to use them, but that's a whole different blog entry.

Communication comes in all forms. From what we wear, to what our body languate and what we say, or don't say, is all communicating. Pretty cool, huh

OK, I think I'll stop my rant now. I clearly think communication is a pretty neat tool.